Thursday 21 March 2013

Imagine Every Tree Had a Song?

About a year ago, I was listening to CBC Radio 2 and they had a story about a man who had created a record player that could play the cross-section of a tree trunk. He had noticed the resemblance between a record and the growth rings of a tree, and was curious as to whether or not a tree could produce sound in a similar way. The result is fascinating. The rings produce a haunting, eerie sound very similar to that of a piano.

There is something so magical about this.

I have always found the cross-section of a tree to resemble a finger print. Not only in appearance but also in the sense that it is a unique map of the tree's identity, so unique from every other tree on earth. Every other tree! So to learn that there is music within each of these is blowing my mind. There is   LITERALLY music in the TREES. And every tree may have a completey different song. It makes me wonder what other mysteries lie undiscovered in the earth, and I feel as though it reveals so much about the wonder of the God who created it all.

Check this out  for more information.

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