Thursday 21 March 2013

Imagine Every Tree Had a Song?

About a year ago, I was listening to CBC Radio 2 and they had a story about a man who had created a record player that could play the cross-section of a tree trunk. He had noticed the resemblance between a record and the growth rings of a tree, and was curious as to whether or not a tree could produce sound in a similar way. The result is fascinating. The rings produce a haunting, eerie sound very similar to that of a piano.

There is something so magical about this.

I have always found the cross-section of a tree to resemble a finger print. Not only in appearance but also in the sense that it is a unique map of the tree's identity, so unique from every other tree on earth. Every other tree! So to learn that there is music within each of these is blowing my mind. There is   LITERALLY music in the TREES. And every tree may have a completey different song. It makes me wonder what other mysteries lie undiscovered in the earth, and I feel as though it reveals so much about the wonder of the God who created it all.

Check this out  for more information.

Sunday 10 March 2013

My Heart is Full.

Today is my first full day in Nova Scotia. I am not going to be blogging every day, but as today is Sunday, I am technically allowed. I have broken my lenten rule of no blogging.. I was excited about this new blog space, and forgot that I am supposed to be keeping off of it. So today I return to Sunday's only. 

I have been having a wonderful time. Adrienne is as sweet as ever, and is speaking a lot now which is really fun. We have a game in the car where I will spin around from the front seat and she will break into a big smile and simply say "hi!". This morning after church Tom, Adrienne and I went for a little road trip because Tom knows how much I love the landscape out here and so we grabbed a couple coffees and spent about two hours driving alongside the coast of the Bay of Fundy. It was absolutely beautiful, and I was able to see so much of what I love about Nova Scotia. Old churches and farm houses, fishing boats resting beached on the mud in low tide, long stretches of farmland alongside the ocean, the red mud cliffs of Cape Blomidon, and the friendliest of people living simply and enjoying a variety of activities for a cloudy Sunday morning. Above is a picture I took from the car as we approached Cape Blomidon (the giant red mud cliff). 

I think the best way to fill you in on what my Nova Scotia experience has been like is to give you a little taste of my perception, so here is what's up:

I see... out Tom and Susie's back window, the Bay of Fundy. It is currently low tide, and through their back yard I can see the muddy dykes that eventually weave out to the Bay. Opposite the dykes are rows of farmland leading up to low mountain peaks. It is a beautiful, sunny Sunday afternoon. Horses are grazing on the farm land outside the house. Adrienne introduced me to them earlier, their names are Blue and Moose and she is in love with them. Moose in particular. Susan is baking and Tom is working next to me on his lectures for this week at the University. I do not see Adrienne because she is napping.

I smell.. one of my favourite smells: the wood burning in the fire place. This smell is throughout the town, as almost everyone heats their home by wood. I love walking on a crisp winter day and smelling the fires from each home's chimney.. especially when it is in addition to the clean ocean air. Also, Susan is baking gingerbread cupcakes to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of her blog

I hear... "It's All Coming Down" by The Autumn Film playing on my computer. Birds are singing outside, and the fire place is crackling... other than that there is complete silence. 

I taste... Just Us peppermint hot chocolate and short bread. Holiday indulgence :)

I feel... at peace. 

Wednesday 6 March 2013


In their eyes
is despise
from rejection and lies. 
They devise
to remove and refrain. 
Behind thick walls of steel
far away from what is real,
no need to feel;
or heal.

My Genesee Diary

While spending a week at camp during summer 2012, I read the book The Genesee Diary by Henri Nouwen, in which he documents the seven mo...